Sean Connery Declines Paternal Role in ‘Indiana Jones 4’
“Indiana Jones 4” – a film I’ve been tracking with much interest – has officially lost its sage father figure. On Thursday, Sean Connery declined the role of Harrison Ford’s dad. Connery reasoned the decision with the following:
We knew previously the film had cast Harrison Ford, Shia LeBeouf and Cate Blanchett. Now we also know it has signed on John Hurt and Ray Winstone.
I love this franchise and you better not botch it up, Steve.
I thought long and hard about it, and if anything could have pulled me out of retirement, it would have been an Indiana Jones film.
I love working with Steven and George. It goes without saying that it is an honor to have Harrison as my son. In the end, retirement is just too damned much fun.
I do, however, have one bit of advice for Junior: Demand that the critters be digital, the cliffs be low and for goodness sake keep that whip by your side at all times in case you need to escape from the stunt coordinator.
I can only say ‘break a leg, everyone’. I’ll see you on May 22, 2008 at the theater.
We knew previously the film had cast Harrison Ford, Shia LeBeouf and Cate Blanchett. Now we also know it has signed on John Hurt and Ray Winstone.
I love this franchise and you better not botch it up, Steve.
Labels: cate_blanchett, harrison_ford, indiana_jones, john_hurt, ray_winstone, sean_connery, shia_lebeouf, steven_spielberg