‘The Dark Knight’ Filming at Twin Anchors Restaurant & Tavern
I received this note from a reader at 3:17 p.m. today. Likely because of the “blow” part, this reader wishes to remain anonymous.
3:39 p.m. update: In a follow-up e-mail at 3:37 p.m., the same reader said:
I wanted to let you know that they were filming “The Dark Knight” at Twin Anchors Restaurant & Tavern at 1655 N. Sedgwick St. (Eugenie and Sedgwick). It looks like they were shooting inside the actual bar as well as in an alley beside it.
They closed down that part of Eugenie with their gigantic white trucks starting at about 9 a.m. I also saw two of the crew doing blow in a truck in front of an elementary school. It’s nice to see a little bit of Hollywood coming to town.
3:39 p.m. update: In a follow-up e-mail at 3:37 p.m., the same reader said:
This was ealier this morning (June 28, 2007). They were still there when I left for work at about noon.
I saw some people in odd costumes. One dude looked like he was wearing something you’d expect to see a Benedictine monk wearing. It was sort of like a Jedi cape thing.
I didn’t see any of the big namers, though. There were just a bunch of security and camera crew and what looked like kids recruited from local art schools.
Labels: chicago, dark_knight, twin_anchors